Student academic support
- Admission
- Enrolment
- Scholarships and financial matters
- Information concerning academic procedures
- Information about courses
- Studying abroad
- Exchanges
- Diploma
- etc.

Library and IT
- Aula Global
- Audiovisual production
- Web services
- Teaching Innovation (CLIK)
- Electronic Administration
- Infrastructures and computing resources
- How and where to find information
- Scientific publication and output
- e-Resources
- Course Reserves
- etc.

University Sustainability, Support and Commitment - SACU
- Culture
- Equality
- Sports and healthy living
- Student participation
- Solidarity and volunteer work
- Sustainability
- Other support services for the university community

UPF Alumni
- Sign up to Alumni programme or update your profile and personal details.
- Alumni user, password and email account
- Alumni services
- Jobs board
- Graduation and graduation class photo

Campus Management Offices
- Reservation and rental of spaces and equipment on the different campuses
- Access to spaces with card or key
- Event organization (eventum)
- etc.

Eina - Infrastructure and Property
- Telephones and fax machines
- Repairs and maintenance
- Furniture and equipment
- Moving service
- Cleaning service
- Surveillance service
- Keys
- etc.

People and Organizational Development
- Selection and recruitment
- Employment history
- Payroll, Income tax (IRPF) and Social Security
- PTGAS Training
- Occupational health
- etc.

Institutional Promotion
- Advertising/information campaigns
- UPF Channel
- Language Office
- Graphic Services

Strategy, Data and Quality
- Data and projects
- Datawarehouse
- Quality, surveys, reports, studies and analysis
- Electronic administration

Budget and Treasury
- Requests related with the accounting section’s invoice register, where they are processed, for accounting and tax purposes, and filed

Record management and Archive
- Advice on the classification and description of files
- Request for consultation and loan of files
- Management of disposal of files and documentation
- Management of document transfers

- General advice and resolution of queries about the procedures of administrative agreements signed by UPF/li>